With warmer temperatures and brighter days; spring has certainly sprung. In this edition of Your FAQs, Answered, we’re sharing simple steps to include in your spring cleanup to get your investment account in tip-top shape. We’ve received questions in the past on record-keeping and how to best keep accounts up to date. Whether your organization has gone through some changes or looking to make some adjustments, regular maintenance of your investment account can help to keep information accessible, organized and available. What better way to start than with a little spring cleanup? Here are some tips to consider:
1. Organize your statements.
Keep your account statements including trade confirmations and tax slips in one place. Good recordkeeping helps you to easily find the information you need.
Looking to access your statements online? Visit the InvestorNet Portal, where you will find information on your account holdings, recent account activity, and online confirmations and statements. In addition, you may sign up for electronic delivery of documents.
Don’t have an InvestorNet account? Please email to information@encasa.ca stating that you require online access, and we will create an account for you on InvestorNet, the online Encasa investor portal.
You may also send an email to information@encasa.ca, and we will be pleased to provide you with your statements.
2. Update your list of Signing Officers
People come and go, and if there are any changes required, send us an email to information@encasa.ca to request an Updated List of Directors form. Remember to include the names, addresses and positions of all directors, as well as indicate who the Signing Officers will be.
Note: Signing Officers that do not already have identification on file will need to provide a picture or their Driver’s License, ID card, or Passport. We will then arrange a brief video call (FaceTime, Skype, etc.) to confirm identification.
3. Confirm your contact information.
Has your organization made a move? Yes, we require your updated address and contact information on file. Please complete a Non-Financial Change Form, get it signed and dated by the signing officer(s), and either email to information@encasa.ca or fax to Encasa Financial Inc. at 416-205-9459 for processing.
Have a question about managing your investment account? Chances are that others may have it too. Send us an email at news@encasa.ca and we will answer your questions in a future edition.